Clinical governance at Eucalyptus

At Eucalyptus, we understand that everyone in our organisation has a role to play in delivering effective and safe healthcare to our patients.

Clinical governance at Eucalyptus refers to the set of relationships and responsibilities that ensures a systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality of patient care across our clinical services. Clinical Governance transcends frontline clinicians, ensuring that everyone, including non-clinical staff and members of the executive and board, is accountable for the delivery of safe, high-quality health services. At Eucalyptus, we understand that everyone in our organisation has a role to play in delivering effective and safe healthcare to our patients. 

Eucalyptus’ clinical governance model is based on the framework set out by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Eucalyptus is committed to setting standards and delivering outcomes that provide the community with confidence that quality care is attainable through digital health platforms. Our clinical governance framework translates conventional controls and systems into a digital health environment, enabling us to transform the healthcare landscape at a global scale.

But what exactly are the systems we have in place to govern clinical operations at Eucalyptus?

The five pillars of the Eucalyptus clinical governance framework

Through these five key areas, we work to continually improve the quality of our service.

  1. Organisational structure

We build and implement structures that facilitate accountability. These include clear roles and responsibilities for all staff, escalation pathways, oversight committees and clinical leadership at every level.

  1. Insights and research 

Eucalyptus has developed a world-class insights function that harnesses the power of digital health and data collection to provide an audit and quality assurance system that prevents harm and builds continuous quality improvement. This system also enables our research function, which provides the analysis and evidence that underpins the success of our services. Both ultimately strive to deliver excellent outcomes for our patients. 

  1. Risk management 

We identify, assess and manage risks at multiple levels, from individual incidents and complaints to our overarching standards and protocols. This allows us to understand the strengths, capabilities and limitations of providing care through digital health technologies. 

  1. Performance 

We’re constantly working to identify, monitor and improve the safety and quality of our model of care. This starts with the credentialing, onboarding and training of our clinical workforce, and continues with a robust system of feedback and quality improvement of clinical services. We work with clinicians, patients and our staff to ensure we continuously work towards better outcomes.

  1. Technical 

Our goal is to create a safe environment for care delivery, utilising the best available technology and user experience. We do this by building robust structures for data and privacy, interoperability and the support of technology as a diligent safety control. Through this, Eucalyptus exemplifies how embracing technology can improve outcomes for patients, rather than act as a barrier to quality care. 

Meet our Clinical Governance Committee

At every layer of the clinical governance framework, there is reporting and assessment of Eucalyptus’ systems and processes. Central to this oversight and governance is our clinical governance committee. This committee meets quarterly to oversee the development and implementation of Euc’s global clinical governance framework. The committee consists of internal Eucalyptus team members and external advisors, including Dr Nick Coatsworth (Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Australia and health policy expert), Dr Malcolm Parmenter (Managing Director and CEO of Partnered Health and former CEO of Healius).

Our clinical governance framework is industry-leading 

We’re proud to say at Eucalyptus that we demonstrate a level of clinical governance that far surpasses similar practices.

  • Our safety and quality systems are independently certified by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, through the EQuIP6 standards
  • Our audit function is best-in-class, covering 100% of high-risk clinical errors that could occur on our platforms
  • Our technical capabilities have allowed us to build controls that keep practitioner errors well below established industry thresholds

As our commitment to clinical quality and safety continues at Euc, there are a number of key areas we are looking to build upon in 2024.

Open-sourcing our clinical governance 

Eucalyptus values transparency and is happy to share the clinical governance framework that we have established. We will achieve this through continued advocacy for focused and evidence-based digital health standards. We are committed to delivering this evidence base by publishing research, both internally and through external partnerships with industry and academic institutions. 

Improving interoperability 

Eucalyptus is committed to improving interoperability to reduce fragmentation and improve the uptake of digital health systems. We will do this by adopting industry standards and improving the utilisation of existing tools, while also pushing for improvements.

Making our mark on a global scale

Lastly, our aim is to become global leaders in clinical governance, quality and safety. We have already implemented our clinical operations and systems across multiple jurisdictions, adjusting to suit the requirements and needs of the local market. We will continue to demonstrate leadership in this space through the attainment of independent certifications on quality, safety and governance within these global locations. 

Since 2019, Eucalyptus has supported over 450,000 patients in their healthcare journeys. We share a desire with our patients to improve access to high-quality, safe, and effective care that enables them to achieve the best health outcomes. 

As a leading digital health organisation, we understand our responsibility to demonstrate that quality care is attainable through digital health platforms. Our robust and effective clinical governance framework is reflective of our continuous commitment to providing safe and quality healthcare for our patients.


Dr Matt Vickers
Clinical Director
Angus Wood
Head of Risk & Safety